Gig‑Gossip Protocol

Imagine a place like Uber, UpWork, or DoorDash where people can connect directly and make secure payments without central intermediaries.

Centralized platforms have taken control of the shared economy. We have become their puppets, and they, our masters. The shared economy is locked down, with innovation allowed only when it benefits the power of these platforms.
Centralized platforms like Uber, UpWork, and DoorDash have created walled gardens where users and service providers are subject to their rules and profit-driven motives. These platforms act as gatekeepers, controlling access, setting prices, and determining the terms of service. This model stifles competition, innovation, and fairness, leaving gig workers with limited autonomy and customers with fewer choices and higher costs.

We are on a mission to reclaim the shared economy for the people, liberating it from the grasp of centralized platforms. In doing so, we enable the shared economy to blossom with new ideas and unveil its boundless potential.
We envision a world where the shared economy is decentralized, transparent, and driven by the needs and desires of its participants rather than by the profit motives of intermediaries. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, Bitcoin, the Lightning Network, and Nostr, we aim to create an ecosystem where innovation flourishes, trust is restored, and economic opportunities are accessible to all.

Building a decentralized system tailored to the shared economy is feasible when constructed on top of Bitcoin and aligned with its principles. Satoshi restored control of money to the people. Similarly, we are demonstrating how the Lightning Network and Nostr can help us reclaim the shared economy.
The foundational principles of Bitcoin — decentralization, transparency, and permissionless innovation—are the pillars on which we build our decentralized gig economy. By integrating Bitcoin for payments, the Lightning Network for fast and low-cost transactions, and Nostr for secure and censorship-resistant communication, we are creating a robust and resilient ecosystem that empowers users and service providers alike.

How does it work?


There is no communication or direct price negotiation between the customer and the service provider; everything goes through a central system, optimized for its own benefit. Traditional FIAT payment systems are used for monetary transactions.
In the current centralized model, gig economy platforms act as intermediaries, controlling every aspect of the interaction between customers and service providers. This includes setting prices, managing communications, handling payments, and resolving disputes. These platforms take significant commissions, reducing the earnings of gig workers and increasing costs for customers. Additionally, the lack of direct communication and negotiation limits the ability of both parties to reach mutually beneficial agreements.


Communication and price negotiation between the customer and the service provider take place in a free market, naturally regulated by supply and demand. Bitcoin and the Lightning Network are used for secure payments. Screening and dispute resolution are managed by Security Centers—organizations that control final payment settlements.
In our decentralized model, customers and service providers interact directly, negotiating prices and terms without the interference of intermediaries. Payments are made using Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, ensuring fast, secure, and low-cost transactions. Security Centers, independent entities chosen by the network participants, handle screening and dispute resolution, ensuring fairness and accountability. This model not only reduces costs but also increases transparency, trust, and satisfaction for both parties.

Problems with centralized shared economy platforms:

  1. Misaligned incentives: Centralized platforms are designed to maximize profits for the company and its shareholders, sometimes at the expense of the workers and customers. This can lead to exploitative practices, such as unfair revenue sharing, arbitrary changes to policies, and prioritizing company interests over the well-being of participants.
    This misalignment of incentives is evident in practices such as surge pricing, where prices are increased during periods of high demand, benefiting the platform at the expense of both customers and workers. Similarly, changes in policies or terms of service can be implemented unilaterally by the platform, often disadvantaging workers without any recourse.

    Uber stats:
    1. Revenue Distribution from Fares: 75% of the fare fees are paid to drivers; Uber retains 25% for software maintenance and other services.
    2. Driver Suggestion for Improvement: 55% of Uber drivers believe increasing pay is the biggest way to improve their experience.
  2. Lack of transparency and trust: Centralized platforms often operate in an opaque manner, where the inner workings, algorithms, and decision-making processes are hidden from gig workers and customers. This lack of transparency breeds mistrust and suspicion about the fairness and integrity of the system.
    For example, gig workers on platforms like Uber and DoorDash often find themselves at the mercy of algorithms that determine their pay, work assignments, and even deactivation from the platform. These algorithms are proprietary and opaque, leaving workers in the dark about how decisions are made and fostering a sense of helplessness and frustration.

    Uber stats:
    1. Driver Satisfaction Level: Only 8% of Uber drivers are satisfied with their working experience at Uber.
    2. Driver Suggestion for Improvement: 55% of Uber drivers believe increasing pay is the biggest way to improve their experience.
  3. Power imbalances and lack of worker autonomy: Gig workers on centralized platforms often have little say or influence over the policies and decisions that directly impact their livelihoods. They are subject to the whims and unilateral actions of the platform operators, including potential punishments or deactivations without due process.
    Workers on platforms like UpWork or TaskRabbit may find their accounts suspended or deactivated without clear reasons or an opportunity to appeal. This lack of autonomy and due process creates an environment of uncertainty and insecurity for gig workers.

    Uber stats:
    1. Driver Sentiment Towards Employment Status: 71% of rideshare drivers prefer to remain independent rather than become Uber employees.
    2. Driver Satisfaction Level: Only 8% of Uber drivers are satisfied with their working experience at Uber.
  4. Limited innovation and competition: The dominance of a few large centralized platforms can stifle innovation and limit the emergence of new business models and competitors in the gig economy space. This lack of competition can lead to stagnation and suboptimal outcomes for workers and customers.
    The market dominance of companies like Uber and Airbnb has created significant barriers to entry for new competitors, limiting the diversity of services and innovation in the gig economy. This concentration of power restricts opportunities for gig workers and customers to explore alternative and potentially more beneficial arrangements.
  5. Privacy and data control concerns: Centralized platforms accumulate vast amounts of sensitive data about workers and customers, which can be used for surveillance, manipulation, or sold to third parties without adequate consent or control by the individuals involved.
    Global internet platforms have faced numerous controversies over their handling of user data, including incidents of data breaches, unauthorized data sharing, and exploitation of personal information for targeted advertising. These practices erode trust and raise significant concerns about privacy and data security.

Gig-Gossip design principles

  1. Symmetry: Each app instance operates the same way as the others, which mirrors the peer-to-peer principle of Bitcoin. This ensures that no single entity has control over the network, promoting fairness and decentralization.
  2. Permissionlessness: Anyone with an internet connection can join in. No one is gatekept, reflecting the permisionless nature of Bitcoin. This inclusivity fosters a diverse and vibrant ecosystem where anyone can participate and contribute.
  3. Privacy: Communication among nodes or clients is encrypted, enhancing user trust by protecting sensitive transactional data. This ensures that users can interact and transact securely without fear of eavesdropping or data breaches.
  4. Anonymity: The identity of people behind transactions is secret. This protects users’ privacy and reduces the risk of targeted attacks or discrimination based on identity.
  5. Sustainability: The application’s features should promote honest participation, with built-in mechanisms that inherently disadvantage dishonest actors. This “implicit punishment principle”, taken from Bitcoin, ensures the long-term health of the app ecosystem. By discouraging malicious behavior, the system maintains its integrity and reliability.
  6. Compliance Consistency: Staying within legal boundaries is critical, even in decentralized spaces. The app should be developed to comply with laws and regulations over time. This ensures that the platform can operate legally and sustainably, avoiding potential legal challenges or shutdowns.

Impact on Bitcoin community

  1. Connection
    Gig-Gossip introduces Bitcoin to the gig economy and its wide audience of everyday users, with the incentive of higher payouts and correspondingly lower prices. By integrating Bitcoin into everyday transactions, we are increasing its utility and encouraging broader adoption.
  2. Liquidity
    Larger adoption of Bitcoin can increase its liquidity by creating a larger pool of buyers and sellers, increasing trading volume, and making it easier to buy or sell Bitcoin at any given time. This enhanced liquidity benefits all Bitcoin users, making the currency more stable and usable.
  3. Knowledge
    With the mass adoption of the Gig-Gossip protocol, more and more people are getting to know and use Bitcoin as money. Bitcoin is no longer just a store of value but a functional currency for everyday transactions. This increased usage demystifies Bitcoin and helps integrate it into the mainstream economy.
  4. Trust
    The higher the adoption of the Gig-Gossip protocol, the more people get used to Bitcoin and trust it. You can see with your own eyes that it works for your benefit. By demonstrating Bitcoin’s practical benefits, we build trust and encourage more people to use and support it.

Why now?


  1. Lightning Network adaptation
    The Lightning Network is a layer-two scaling solution for Bitcoin that enables instant, low-cost transactions by facilitating off-chain payment channels between users. This makes it ideal for the frequent and small transactions typical in the gig economy. By leveraging the Lightning Network, Gig-Gossip can offer fast and affordable payments, enhancing the user experience and promoting wider adoption.
  2. Hyperbitcoinization
    The Gig-Gossip protocol is helping Bitcoin become the dominant global currency and displace traditional fiat currencies in the long run. By integrating Bitcoin into the gig economy, we are accelerating the process of hyperbitcoinization, where Bitcoin becomes the standard for global commerce. This shift reduces reliance on centralized financial systems and promotes financial sovereignty.
  3. Powerful mobile phones
    As Bitcoin technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more powerful mobile devices in the future. Modern smartphones are capable of handling complex cryptographic operations and running decentralized applications. This technological advancement makes it feasible for everyday users to participate in the decentralized gig economy using their mobile devices.
  4. Low trust to middlewares
    The business of intermediaries is not always aligned with the interests of the people. Their actions lack transparency and are usually optimized for their maximum benefit. By eliminating intermediaries and using decentralized protocols, Gig-Gossip restores trust and aligns incentives with the users. This transparency fosters a more equitable and efficient market.
  5. Global uberization
    Gig-Gossip disrupts traditional industries and business models by using Bitcoin technology to create a new market without intermediaries that is more efficient, convenient, and cost-effective. This global trend of “uberization” transforms various sectors, making services more accessible and affordable for consumers while providing fair compensation for service providers.
  6. Nostr for decentralized communication
    Nostr is a protocol for a censorship-resistant global “social” network. By using Nostr, Gig-Gossip enables decentralized communication, ensuring that data is decentralized and resistant to censorship. This enhances the security and privacy of communications in the gig economy. With Nostr, users can communicate directly and securely, without the risk of censorship or data breaches.

Security Centers

Gig-Gossip recognizes that gig economy app operates within a specific legislative framework. This framework is governed by regulatory bodies at both local government and state levels. To ensure safety and legality for both your platform and its users, compliance with these regulations is essential. An illustrative example can be seen in the context of Bitcoin transactions. In many jurisdictions, if Bitcoin is permitted as a form of payment, it often comes with stringent requirements for Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols and the tracing of transactions for purposes such as taxation. Generally, there are at least two critical regulatory requirements that your applications might need to address: KYC and ODR.

Security Centers play a vital role in the Gig-Gossip ecosystem, ensuring compliance, safety, and trust within the decentralized gig economy.
Here are the key functions and responsibilities of Security Centers:

KYC (Know Your Customer)
KYC refers to the process of verifying the identity of your clients or customers. The primary purpose of KYC regulations is to prevent identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing. In the context of financial applications, including those involving cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, KYC procedures involve collecting and verifying personal information from users. This could include requiring users to submit government-issued IDs, proof of address, and other personal data. The aim is to ensure that businesses know who they are dealing with, thereby reducing the risk of criminal activities. Security Centers manage the KYC processes within the Gig-Gossip network, ensuring that all participants are verified and legitimate, which enhances the overall security of the platform.

ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)
ODR is a digital approach to resolving disputes between parties over the internet. It encompasses a wide range of technologies and methods designed to facilitate the resolution of disputes without the need for physical presence in courtrooms. ODR is particularly relevant for e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, and service providers where transactions occur digitally, and parties may be in different geographical locations. Implementing ODR mechanisms allows businesses to offer their users efficient and accessible means of resolving disputes, which can enhance trust and user satisfaction. It aligns with regulatory frameworks that emphasize consumer protection and the need for fair and transparent dispute resolution processes. Security Centers facilitate ODR within the Gig-Gossip network, providing a structured process for handling conflicts and ensuring fair outcomes.

Compliance Management
Security Centers ensure that the Gig-Gossip platform complies with local and international regulations. This involves staying updated with legal requirements, implementing necessary changes to the platform, and ensuring that all activities within the network are conducted legally. By managing compliance, Security Centers protect both users and the platform from legal risks and potential penalties.

Trust and Reputation Management
Security Centers play a key role in managing the trust and reputation systems within the Gig-Gossip network. They oversee the collection and verification of user reviews, ratings, and feedback, ensuring that these are accurate and reliable. By maintaining a transparent and trustworthy reputation system, Security Centers help users make informed decisions and foster a positive community atmosphere.

Education and Support
To ensure that all users understand the regulatory requirements and security measures in place, Security Centers provide educational resources and support. This includes tutorials, FAQs, and customer support services that help users navigate the platform, comply with regulations, and understand the importance of security practices. By offering comprehensive support, Security Centers enhance user experience and encourage responsible behavior within the network.

Legal and Regulatory Advocacy
Security Centers engage with regulatory bodies and legal institutions to advocate for fair and supportive regulations for decentralized platforms. They work to influence policy decisions, represent the interests of the Gig-Gossip community, and ensure that the platform's operations are understood and supported by legal authorities. By acting as intermediaries between the platform and regulators, Security Centers help shape a favorable legal environment for decentralized gig economies.

Made for mass adoption

Gig-economy sectors that can be transformed with Gig-Gossip:


  1. Transportation
    Companies like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash hire drivers as independent contractors to provide ride-sharing and delivery services. By using Gig-Gossip, drivers can connect directly with passengers or customers, negotiate fares, and receive payments in Bitcoin, ensuring higher earnings and lower costs.
  2. Holiday & Travel
    Airbnb is a popular platform within the gig economy for generating passive income by renting out properties on a short-term basis. With Gig-Gossip, property owners can list their rentals, communicate with guests, and receive payments without intermediary fees, enhancing profitability and trust.
  3. Retail
    Retailers may hire gig workers for seasonal work, such as during the holiday shopping season. Gig-Gossip enables retailers to find and hire workers directly, streamline payment processes, and reduce administrative overhead, leading to cost savings and greater flexibility.
  4. Construction
    Construction companies may hire gig workers for short-term projects that require specialized skills. By leveraging Gig-Gossip, companies can post job opportunities, negotiate terms directly with workers, and ensure timely payments, improving project efficiency and worker satisfaction.
  5. Hospitality
    Hotels and resorts often hire gig workers for tasks like cleaning, food service, and event staffing. Gig-Gossip facilitates direct hiring, real-time communication, and secure payments, enhancing service quality and operational efficiency.
  6. Creative Services
    Freelancers in creative fields such as writing, graphic design, and photography are often hired on a gig basis by businesses and individuals. Gig-Gossip allows creatives to showcase their portfolios, connect with clients, and receive payments seamlessly, fostering a vibrant and dynamic creative economy.
  7. Healthcare
    Healthcare organizations may hire gig workers for temporary staffing needs, such as for nurses, medical assistants, and other healthcare professionals. Gig-Gossip ensures that healthcare providers can find qualified professionals quickly, negotiate terms directly, and handle payments securely, ensuring high-quality care and operational resilience.
  8. IT
    Companies often hire gig workers for short-term IT projects or to fill in gaps in their IT teams. With Gig-Gossip, IT professionals can find opportunities, collaborate with clients, and receive payments efficiently, promoting innovation and productivity in the tech sector.
  9. Education
    Some educational institutions hire gig workers for short-term projects, such as developing educational materials or providing tutoring services. Gig-Gossip enables educators to connect with institutions, negotiate terms, and receive payments securely, enhancing educational outcomes and accessibility.


  1. Why did you choose Bitcoin as your monetary basis?
    Firstly, Bitcoin implies decentralization, which directly corresponds to the main point of a decentralized gig economy. Secondly, Bitcoin allows us to perform basic financial operations, building trust for money transfers. Thirdly, Bitcoin is permissionless, allowing anyone to join, which increases availability and dissemination of the idea. By using Bitcoin, we ensure that our financial system is secure, transparent, and accessible to all.

  2. Can your idea be used only with the Bitcoin network?
    It is not possible to use a classical, fiat money-based monetary system while removing the central organization and making a protocol for a globally decentralized gig economy. Fiat money is centralized by central banks. Bitcoin’s decentralized nature aligns perfectly with our vision of a decentralized gig economy, providing a stable and secure monetary foundation.

  3. What is Nostr?
    Nostr is a decentralized protocol for broadcasting and receiving messages. It is designed to be used with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network for payments, providing a censorship-resistant and secure communication platform. In Nostr, each user operates a node that relays messages, ensuring that data is decentralized and resistant to censorship. This ensures that communications are secure, private, and free from interference, enhancing trust and collaboration within the gig economy.

  4. Can Gig-Gossip form a mobile mesh?
    Gig-Gossip can run on mobile devices that form a mobile mesh, but network nodes willing to broadcast messages are welcome to be implemented as heavy machines. Moreover, payment settlers are meant to be services that provide network security; therefore, they are usually implemented by companies as cloud-based services exposing their API. There is no direct need to run any operation-critical services in the cloud or any other centralized computing environment; you just need your mobile phone.

  5. How am I gratified if I only keep running a Gig-Gossip app on my mobile phone?
    Your mobile phone running a Gig-Gossip node can earn money each time the route involving your node results in a successful gig payment. You will earn a part of the network reward, which you can negotiate with other nodes on a free market. All you need to do is keep it running. This passive income model incentivizes users to participate in the network, ensuring its growth and sustainability.

  6. The protocol is broadcasting a lot of messages. How can the network handle this kind of volume?
    Gig-Gossip is a gossip protocol but allows and enforces nodes to limit the transaction to the interested parties, to pass only the most interesting job proposals—ones that can result in its own gratification. From an eagle’s point of view, this results in a sustainable flow within the network. By prioritizing relevant transactions, the network maintains efficiency and scalability in a game-theorethic way.

  7. The protocol uses cryptography quite intensively. Is it really possible to run Gig-Gossip on a cheap mobile phone?
    Modern mobile phones are incredibly powerful devices with advanced processors, high-resolution displays, and a wide range of features that enable users to do everything from browsing the internet and taking photos to running complex apps and playing games. While cheap mobile phones may have been seen as basic and limited in the past, advancements in technology have made it possible for even budget-friendly devices to be quite powerful and feature-packed today. This is largely due to the continued progression of Moore’s Law, which has driven the development of smaller and more efficient processors, allowing even lower-end devices to offer impressive performance and capabilities. Thanks to the rapid advancements in mobile technology and the increasing demand for secure communication, even inexpensive modern mobile phones are now capable of effortlessly computing complex cryptographic algorithms. This accessibility ensures that anyone with a mobile phone can participate in the decentralized gig economy.

  8. Why is the Lightning Network here?
    Gig-Gossip works on Bitcoin, but the Lightning Network (a layer-2 protocol on Bitcoin) allows micropayments, which are needed for small and frequent settlements between the client and the contractor. This makes network payments smaller compared to transaction fees. The Lightning Network helps but is not critical for the Gig-Gossip protocol. Gig-Gossip also runs directly on the Bitcoin main chain. The Lightning Network enhances the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of payments, making it ideal for the dynamic and fast-paced transactions in the gig economy.

Join the Movement

Gig-Gossip is more than just a protocol—it’s a movement towards a fairer, more transparent, and inclusive gig economy. By participating, you’re joining a community committed to empowerment, innovation, and the transformative power of decentralized technology. Whether you’re a service provider aiming to broaden your reach or a customer seeking reliable services, Gig-Gossip provides the necessary tools and support for success.

Looking Ahead

As Gig-Gossip continues to evolve, we invite you to be a part of this thrilling journey. Discover the myriad possibilities Gig-Gossip offers, from achieving financial independence to contributing to a more equitable and decentralized world. The future of work isn’t just a concept with Gig-Gossip - it’s a reality we’re building together, starting now.

Learn More

To learn more about Gig-Gossip and how you can contribute to this revolutionary project,

  1. visit Gig-Gossip website,
  2. explore GitHub repository and whitepaper,
  3. deepen your knowledge of Bitcoin,
  4. the Lightning Network,
  5. and Nostr.

How to Get Involved

By getting involved, you’re not just contributing to a project—you’re becoming part of a movement to redefine work in the digital age.

1. Developers: We welcome contributions from developers passionate about decentralization and the gig economy. If you’re skilled in coding and eager to contribute, join us on GitHub to collaborate and innovate. Your technical expertise can help drive the development of Gig-Gossip, ensuring it meets the needs of users and remains at the forefront of decentralized technology.

2. Bitcoin Evangelists: If you’re a Bitcoin enthusiast, help spread the word about Gig-Gossip. Your voice can amplify our impact—talk about us, tweet, and share our vision with the world. By raising awareness and educating others about the benefits of Bitcoin and Gig-Gossip, you can help build a stronger and more vibrant community.

3. Social Media Engagement: Connect with us on Twitter and Discord. Join our community for real-time updates, discussions, and insights into Gig-Gossip’s development and milestones. Engaging with our social media channels helps us reach a wider audience and fosters a sense of community and collaboration.

4. Donations: Support Gig-Gossip’s mission to revolutionize the gig economy. Your donations help fuel our project, enabling us to continue building and expanding our platform. Financial contributions allow us to invest in development, outreach, and user support, ensuring the long-term success of Gig-Gossip.

5. Content Creators & Influencers: If you create content or have influence in the digital or financial spaces, use your platform to share information about Gig-Gossip. Creating tutorials, reviews, or informative videos can help educate others about the benefits of our platform. By producing high-quality content, you can inspire others to join the movement and explore the possibilities of a decentralized gig economy.

6. Volunteer for Community Support: Offer your skills in customer service, community management, or education by volunteering to support new users and service providers joining Gig-Gossip. Help create a welcoming and supportive environment. Your efforts can make a significant difference in ensuring a positive user experience and fostering a sense of belonging within the community.

7. Provide Feedback and Ideas: Your insights are valuable. Participate in surveys, beta testing of new features, or forums to provide feedback. Your ideas can help shape the future of Gig-Gossip. By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you contribute to the continuous improvement and evolution of the platform.

8. Host Meetups or Webinars: Organize or participate in virtual or physical meetups and webinars about Gig-Gossip and the broader gig economy. Sharing knowledge and experiences can strengthen the community and foster networking opportunities. By facilitating discussions and collaborations, you help build a stronger and more connected community of users and developers.